Several concrete buildings remain. Walls
and roofs are cracking and collapsing.
A thick iron cable and wooden rail ties remain on the ground near the
mine entrance. The cable goes from the mine entrance to the
two-story building. Topographic maps show a cable previously went down
the mountain to the prison below.

Walt Whitman
(1819–1892). Leaves of Grass. 1900.
35. In Paths Untrodden
IN paths untrodden,
In the growth by margins of pond-waters,
Escaped from the life that exhibits itself,
From all the standards hitherto publish’d—from the
pleasures, profits, eruditions, conformities,
Which too long I was offering to feed my soul;
Clear to me, now, standards not yet publish’d—clear
to me that my Soul,

That the Soul of the man I speak for, feeds, rejoices most in comrades;
Here, by myself, away from the clank of the world,
Tallying and talk’d to here by tongues aromatic,
No longer abash’d—for in this secluded spot I can
respond as I would not dare elsewhere,
Strong upon me the life that does not exhibit itself, yet contains all
the rest,
Resolv’d to sing no songs to-day but those of manly

Projecting them along that substantial life,
Bequeathing, hence, types of athletic love,
Afternoon, this delicious Ninth-month, in my forty-first year,
I proceed, for all who are, or have been, young men,
To tell the secret of my nights and days,
To celebrate the need of comrades.

166. O Me! O Life!
O ME! O life!... of the questions of these recurring;
Of the endless trains of the faithless—of cities
fill’d with the foolish;
Of myself forever reproaching myself, (for who more foolish than I, and
who more faithless?)
Of eyes that vainly crave the light—of the objects
mean—of the struggle ever renew’d;
Of the poor results of all—of the plodding and sordid crowds
I see around me;
Of the empty and useless years of the rest—with the rest me
The question, O me! so sad, recurring—What good amid these, O
me, O life?

That you are here—that life exists, and identity;
That the powerful play goes on, and you will contribute a verse.
Thanks to Dr. E for the last four photos above.
Disclaimer: This is free information. Use at your own risk.
This is only my opinion based on my experience. There is No
guarantee of accuracy. I am Not responsible for anything that may
happen to you because of using or not using this information.